Additional budget bill jr. now in print
SB 105 eliminates June appropriation for Industrial Welfare Commission
Senate Bill 105 has been amended in the Assembly (in print 9/9/2023 at 6:31 pm) to be the third set of budget bill amendments (the third “budget bill jr.”) to the 2023 budget act. The second budget bill jr. for that act passed the Assembly as part of the end-of-session package on Friday, September 8, with Senate concurrence in Assembly amendments approved on Monday, September 11.
SB 105, if approved, would eliminate the $3 million June appropriation for the long dormant Industrial Welfare Commission and make other, primarily technical changes to the 2022 and 2023 budget acts.
SB 105 may be brought up for approval on the Assembly Floor as early as Tuesday, September 12.